The accepted, but false interpretation of the Bible in a nutshell is the following:
A God that looks like a man created the earth and the rest of the universe in six days, less than ten thousand years ago. He rested on the seventh. He then created man and woman (Adam and Eve), and they lived happily in the Garden of Eden. The problem was that he also created an angel that turned on him. The angel, disguised as a snake, talked Eve into talking Adam into eating some fruit that God told them not to eat. Adam took a bite, so God kicked them out of paradise and cursed them and all of their descendants, including us.
About forty-five hundred years ago, God got fed up with mankind and drowned all land animals, except for one family and two of all land animals on earth (what about the plants?) by loading them all on one boat they built. Their descendents repopulated the planet, but mankind was still damned.
The new testament of the Bible says that God sent his only begotten son (Jesus) who was also God to earth to make an appearance and to show people the way. After doing some miracles and preaching for three years, he found twelve people. He then sacrificed himself to his father in order to save us from the curse he put on us for what Adam and Eve did, but we were still cursed.
God sacrificed himself, to himself, to remove the curse he put on us.
Three days later, Jesus came out of his grave, had something to eat, told a few followers he was going to heaven, and then left.
Though the Bible says Jesus died for our sins, we somehow still have them. The only way we can escape this curse (original sin) is to believe the story above is true and worship this God. If we do not, we spend an eternity burning in a fire.
Metaphorical: Some people say the Bible is metaphorical and not literal truth. They are right about parts of it, but they do not know what the metaphors mean.
This book says the truth is in the Bible; it just says most of the story above is not true and not what the Bible is about. The Bible reveals the truth and makes complete sense when interpreted correctly.
In the past, prophets and seers of the truth tried to tell people what the truth was, but the people they told did not understand them. This resulted in the creation of religions that hide the truth that they are supposed to reveal. What the prophets said was misunderstood, distorted, and turned into myths.
Jesus said, "I tell you the truth when I say that even those who follow the prophets do not understand them, for they speak of the things of the Spirit, which cannot be apprehended by the physical mind."
A few things the prophets said survived their followers and reveal the truth. The problem is, almost no one knows what the truth is. People believe in the myths and do not see the truth they contain.
3Now we can know what the prophets were really saying, and we owe it to the prophets of the past and ourselves to correct the misinterpretations. For the first time, we can know what they really said and meant.
This book is that long delayed, but always expected, true explanation.
Most of the Bible and other old religious books are the interpretations, opinions, and the bias of many different uninspired people, and not what Jesus and other inspired prophets actually said or meant.
The brutal emperors of Rome and the corrupt councils they controlled created the official Bible. It was created to serve their political agenda, which began in 325 AD with Constantine and the Council of Nicaea. It was created by the enemies of Christianity, the people who killed Jesus and tried to destroy the religion. Billions of people believe in a book created by corrupt people. It was not created to enlighten people; it was created to control people. This is when Christianity sold its soul.
The truth has been hidden.
Know the truth: Most of the misinterpretations and distortions of what a prophet said in ancient times happened before it was written down. What they said was passed down by word of mouth from one person to another. This way of passing down sayings and stories will always change them, sometimes completely. This is especially true with primitive people in ancient times. Back then, people could not understand the truth, so what a prophet said was turned into myths as it was passed down. Even after they were written down, they continued to be misinterpreted and distorted during translations from one language to another.
Most of what Jesus said was never even written down in the language he spoke.
The early interpreters did not know the truth. To interpret what a prophet says, you have to know the truth. In the past, almost no one could know the truth. Now, almost everyone can. Mankind has finally progressed enough to see it clearly.
Jesus said, “Whoever finds the correct interpretation of what I am saying will find eternal life.”
When people see what Jesus is really saying, they will also be able to see what all the other enlightened philosophers, prophets, and poets are really saying.
2 + 2 = 4: It does not equal anything else. The truth is, there is only one truth. Believing 2 + 2 = 5 or 6 or anything else does not make it true. There are an infinite amount of wrong answers, but only one true answer.
Truth is what stands the test of experience. Albert Einstein
The Rorschach inkblot test is that inkblot that psychologists show to people, asking them what they see. Everyone will see something different depending on what their imagination comes up with. The truth is, it is an inkblot; that is the only true answer.
A man should look for what is and not for what he thinks should be. Albert Einstein
4Make believe: I do not play make believe in real life, but billions of grown people do and say it is the truth. I no longer believe in Santa Claus and the other myths, legends, and fairy tales that the known evidence says are not true.
Common denominator: The truth is the only thing that can unite all human beings. It is what we all have in common, and that will never change. There is only one sky for all of us. Everyone eats, breathes, is born and dies, etc. The ultimate truth is universal truth; it is the same for everyone, everywhere, and it always has been and always will be. We have to see the big picture of life.
If everyone looked at the big picture of life, we would see the same thing. This simple thing would unite human beings, and we would live in paradise.
The difference between knowing and not knowing is checking. Nothing could be more simple. If you care enough about the truth to check what it is, you will know the truth of life. The sad truth is, most people do not care, and mankind and our world are being destroyed as a result. If you care, now is the time to prove it.
Only the truth can stop the wars and make the world the paradise it can be.
Reason: We can now use our ability to reason, deductive logic, and extrapolation of the known evidence to know and understand things that the evidence does not reveal directly, such as life after death. We have progressed enough to know and understand the fundamental truth of life. It will transform us and our world.
Scholarly: I am not a good writer or a scholar, as you no doubt have noticed, but most prophets were not good writers or scholars. This book will not be sophisticated enough for many intellectuals, but most people are not intellectuals. The truth has to be explained in a simple, unsophisticated way, or else kids and most people will not understand it. The truth is for everyone, not just intellectuals.
Books are to be distinguished by the grandeur of their topics. Henry David Thoreau
I am dyslexic and make some mistakes in grammar, but the content is correct. That said, this book is much easier to read than most books on the subject.
Jesus said, “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against men; for you don't enter in yourselves, neither do you allow those who are entering in to enter.”
The scribes were the writers and scholars in ancient times. The Pharisees were the religious leaders. They believed in a dogma that made them closed-minded.
Most religious and philosophical scholars are not inspired people. They just take other people’s inspirations and write about them in a scholarly way. What they do not understand, they distort or misinterpret. All the big words, footnotes and perfect grammar make them look like real authorities on a subject. The opposite is true when it comes to religious truth. Scholars have not known what they have been talking about; thus, they have been and are now a force against the truth.
Most religious leaders are well intentioned. They toe the line and fight any change in the status quo, but in doing it, they perpetuate the misinterpretations.
5Scholars are of the mind. Prophets and other inspired people are dealing with something beyond the mind, which means they see life in completely different ways. Scholars are not bad people, but they do not see the world a prophet sees.
Jesus said, "Show me the stone which the builders have rejected. That stone is the cornerstone."
In other words, the rejected or unseen truth is the actual truth.
Great spirits are always opposed by mediocre minds. Albert Einstein
All great truths begin as blasphemies. George Bernard Shaw
Anyone that says anything different from the accepted myths of religion is labeled a blasphemer. Jesus was a blasphemer in his time and executed for being one.
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. Arthur Schopenhauer
Repetition: You will notice many things are repeated in this book. If something is repeated, it makes a bigger impression and changes your brain more, changes your inner environment more. Thus, the more repetition, the better. That is why I repeat some things many times and say the same thing many different ways.
As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives. Henry David Thoreau
I am giving it to you the same way it was given to me. The ultimate truth is like a combination to a lock; it has to be in a certain order, and you need all of it to open the gate to true life.
The truth is just what it looks like it is; the problem is people cannot see clearly.
Jesus said, “The hour is coming when I will not speak to you in dark sayings, but will tell you plainly about God.”
Jesus said, “He who drinks from my mouth will become as I am and I will become he and the hidden things will be revealed to him.”
Hidden things: Following are the correct interpretations and the hidden things:
6Jesus said, "I have come that you might have life and have it abundantly.”
Abundant life: You get a little taste of it when you see a beautiful waterfall, a sunset, make a great golf shot, ride a rollercoaster, a first kiss, etc. Peak moments in your life feel good, because you get a larger percentage of what each moment of life actually contains.
Abundant life = true life.
True religion is real living. Albert Einstein
People in the past did not know what Jesus meant by “abundant life,” so they turned around its literal meaning and interpreted it to mean “a life of abundance.” Many preachers use that saying to justify getting rich and having an abundance of possessions. Misinterpretation leads people in the wrong direction.
Your mind is the gatekeeper of life. Sometimes it lets a little true life in, but most of the time it does not. You can only see the truth when it lets all of life in.

Figure 1 shows how mankind currently perceives life. Figure 2 shows true
The arrows represent life coming to you from all directions. The dotted line shows how your mind blocks most of the life coming to you. Without the mind blocking life, you receive all of life, abundant life, true life, and reflect it all back out.
Halos: This is why the saints and prophets in paintings are shown with a halo. It illustrates their radiance; they radiated life as shown in figure 2 of the drawing.
Seeing Niagara Falls or the Grand Canyon for the first time is a peak moment for most people. Why does it make you feel so alive? Nothing really happens to you. Why doesn’t it feel as good the second time you see it? The reason is, your mind opens up when something is new or special.
It's not what you look at that matters; it's what you see. Henry David Thoreau
The truth is, every moment of life is special, and you can be completely open to life most of the time. You have to see the truth to see true life.